Sports Related Injuries
As increasing numbers of adults, teenagers, and children become involved in playing recreational sports, the number of sports-related injuries has also risen. Participating in sporting events and competitions can develop character and help foster camaraderie. At the same time, it is important to realize how serious sports injuries can be, and how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from being injured.
Common Sports Injuries
Every season, some promising key players from the world of professional sports ends up spending the season sidelined due to problems with torn hamstrings and ligaments, head injuries, and bone fractures or strains. While most sports fans are resigned to hearing weekly injury reports and seeing sports injuries among their favorite players, it hits closer to home when these types of injuries affect our local high school and youth teams. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 7 million young people participate in high school sports each year. While these sports programs often foster a healthy sense of self and promote physical fitness, they can also result in serious injuries. Roughly 2 million high school students are injured each year as a result of playing sports. Common injuries among high school athletes include:
- Heart problems
- Spinal cord injuries
- Head injuries and concussions
- Muscle and ligament sprains and strains
- Contusions and bruising
- Bone fractures
- Dislocated joints
- Cuts, lacerations, and skin infections
- Heat-related illness
- Breathing disorders and asthma attacks
According to the CDC, player injuries are serious enough to require over 500,000 doctor visits and over 30,000 hospitalizations annually.
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Preventing Sports Injuries
Whether you are playing a team sport such as baseball or football or participating in a solo sport, such as track or archery, there are precautions you can take to ensure you aren’t injured. Protect yourself by following these safety tips for preventing sports injuries from the National Institutes of Health (NIH):
- Do warm-up exercises
- Wear shoes that fit properly and are cushioned to absorb shock
- Wear the appropriate safety gear
- Don’t overdo or push yourself too hard
- Do cool down exercises following vigorous activity
Regardless of the type of sport you participate in, learn the proper form
and technique. This will not only help you to play better, but it can
also help to prevent injury.
Contact Our Experienced South Carolina Personal Injury Attorneys
If you or someone you care about has been hurt or injured while participating in a sporting event or activity, contact our experienced South Carolina personal injury attorneys today. We work with families just like yours and can help you to get the compensation you deserve to recover from your injuries. With offices in Charleston and throughout South Carolina, we are prepared to work aggressively on your behalf – contact our firm today.
Call or text 803-222-2222 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form