Workers’ Compensation Handles Problems and Disputes With Your Claim
On-the-job accidents and illnesses happen, and when they do workers’ compensation can provide a valuable safety net in terms of paying expenses and lost wages. While employers in the state of South Carolina are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance for their employees, it does not mean you automatically receive benefits when you are injured. When you are hurt on the job or in the course of your employment, it is important to be aware of workers’ compensation requirements when it comes to reporting your injury, getting appropriate medical care, and returning to work once you have recovered. Failing to follow the correct procedures could result in time-consuming hearings or having your claim denied.
Dealing With Problems in Workers’ Compensation Claims
The South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) oversees the state workers’ compensation program for workers who are injured or become ill while on the job. Once you have reported your injury and filed a claim for benefits, any disputes or problems with your claim are dealt with through the WCC Judicial Department, which handles the following:
Informal Conferences
While you are out of work due to an injury, your employer is required to pay for medical care and expenses, as well as lost wages associated with your injury. Once your doctor authorizes you to return to work, you may be scheduled for an informal conference. This conference is held for the purpose of discussing your claim and determining whether any future benefits should be paid. You are permitted to have an attorney present with you at this meeting, and if an agreement cannot be reached you may request a formal hearing on the matter.
To request a workers’ compensation hearing, you will need to fill out and submit a formal request form. Your hearing will be scheduled within 60 days from your request, and you will receive a formal notice of your hearing giving the date, time, and place your hearing will occur. The insurance carrier for your employer’s insurance company is required to be present at this hearing, and you may have an attorney appear with you to represent you. Information regarding your claim, injury, and treatment will be presented at this hearing, and the administrative judge presiding over it will make a decision in regards to your benefits.
Under South Carolina laws governing the state workers’ compensation program, you have the right to appeal any decision made by the WCC. At your appeal, you may be represented by an attorney, and have the right to present evidence such as medical records and witness statements in support of your case. While it can take time to make it through the appeals process, it can be worth it in terms of getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries and any potential long-term disabilities.
For a free legal consultation, call 803-222-2222
Contact Us Regarding Workers’ Compensation
When you suffer an on-the-job injury, the damages you have sustained could have a lasting impact on your ability to work and support your family. Under these circumstances, it is important to make sure you are getting the maximum amount for the compensation you deserve for the injuries you suffered. Contact our experienced South Carolina workers’ compensation attorneys for a free consultation on your case. At the Anastopoulo Law Firm, we advise clients on the types of compensation they may be eligible and fight to make sure their rights are protected. Call or contact us online today to discuss how we can help you.
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